Monday, October 26, 2015

Fox News Blasting Trump For 1 Million Dollar Loan - Owner of Fox Worth 12 Billion

Fox News attacking Trump for getting a loan from his father to do business.  The owner of Fox News at 22 inherited two newspapers from his father. Rupert got his start in the corporate world through inheritance and is worth 12.4 billion today.

"Donald J. Trump says he received a "small" $1 million loan from his father. Is this statement a turning point in his appeal to the middle class?"

Fox News goes on to say everything about Trump hurts his brand.  Blasting the fact that 1 million is  a lot of money.  Actually 1 million is not a lot of money to do big business.  Trump apparently got less charity than Rupert Murdoch (the owner of Fox News), by inheriting not 1 but 2 established newspapers.

Murdoch's father was Sir Keith Murdoch, who had been knighted for services to the crown and was a national hero in Australia. He was also one of the 20th century's most celebrated journalists: he was credited with revealing the truth about Britain's invasion of Gallipoli during World War I and with changing the British government's policy as a result, with troops being withdrawn from Turkey. Murdoch grew up in a spacious home near Melbourne and spent much of his time on a sheep ranch owned by his family.

Through scandal, a brush with bankruptcy and innumerable controversies, Murdoch has emerged ever stronger and usually richer. Murdoch’s dominion, born of a single inherited Australian newspaper, is now two globe-spanning corporations — News Corp. and 21st Century Fox — with $67 billion in assets and enormous influence on three continents.

Will we ever get an honest story out of the media or is this just another way of propping up Trump by giving bad publicity?

Neal Vanderstelt
Author of Global Economic Collapse and The New Dark Ages

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Democrats vs Republicans --- Why I can't stand either

Why I don't like either party. Republicans give tax breaks to corporations and that is corporate welfare but they claim to be against socialism. The Republicans don't want you to know what is in your food and they vote against GMO labeling among other things. The Republicans give too much support to military and it creates too much military debt and they are too willing to go to wars which also create huge debts. Wars are one of the most destructive things to an economy because a bomb blowing up has no net effect to an economy and can only be considered a debt. Their claim is it makes us "safe" but if they would have used the money for say the Iraq war for alternative energy the US would be energy independent by now and we would not have to buy oil from countries that create terrorist -- they don't look that far out but they do it intentionally because the big players in the Republican party are oil men. 

They have a lot of flaws----both parties are immature and for big business. The Republican Party is the lobby for big oil tycoons and the Democratic Party is the lobby for the medical mafia and big pharma.. Some of the hugest debts to society are caused by the medical mafia but we will also never have an alternative to big oil because of Republican party so both parties do a lot of damage. Energy and health are major faucets of society that people rely on and they are doing great damage in the name of profit and expanding these industries in a harmful way. Drugs for instance don't cure diseases and alternatives are illegal.. More care doesn't do any good if the quality is so poor you are better off treating yourself in many cases.

The Democrats are responsible for deregulating the banks and causing the 2008 financial crisis which was blamed on the Republicans ironically but it was actually because of the changes the Democrats made, although I agree trickle down economics are a joke, but the Dems are hardly for a healthy economy. In the 1990's Bill Clinton deregulated the big banks by repealing the Glass Steagall Act (the repeal was strongly supported by Republicans as well---who may have drafted the repeal in the first place but Bill Clinton finalized it). This made it so a regular bank could gamble with your deposits at 10-1 leverage for every dollar you deposit.. Bill Clinton also made it easy to get home loans setting up the stage for the housing crisis. It did not help poor people because they had to give up their homes.

Bill Clinton didn't stop there though he wasn't done doing damage to the economy --- he made it so the way economic statistics are calculated so people who give up looking for work are not accounted for. Currently they say unemployment is improving but the fact of the matter is if Bill Clinton didn't change how unemployment was calculated it would be over 20% which is worse than The Great Depression. Now you know why I hate both parties..
Neal Vanderstelt
Author of Global Economic Collapse and The New Dark Ages