Saturday, June 4, 2016

U.S. Dollar Collapse - Is it sooner than we think?

Debts, funny math, and political problems --- all seem to add to the possibility that a future U.S. Dollar Collapse may be right around the corner.  Perhaps people have become too accepting of America's "Too Big To Fail" mentality?   Maybe if you consider the general causes of a crash rather than just accepting the general attitude --- you can attempt to understand how it may be possible.  A U.S. Dollar Collapse is not an inconceivable concept especially when you run the math and take a close examination around the world at current conflicts and how it all interrelates.

The U.S. Dollar historically has been considered a stable currency --- the world's reserve currency.  That ideology has recently changed with the formation of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). This alliance aims to dethrone the American Dollar!  In late March 2013, during the fifth BRICS summit in Durban, South Africa, the member countries agreed to create a global financial institution which they intended to rival the western-dominated IMF and World Bank.  

Many of these countries often choose a differing view of U.S. military intervention and this affects currency values.  Since the U.S. Dollar's value is based on a global exchange, these countries are reluctant to support our GREEN PAPER when America is in most need of support.   There are many unresolved disputes in the world that either directly or indirectly include the U.S.A.  The US is on a rapid path to lose its World Reserve Currency Status.

Quantitative Easing is the last gasp before the ship sinks.  It may take some time to sink, but now that they are bailing out, it is a good sign the ship is beyond repair.  As more water (debt) fills the hulls of the ship, the bailouts have to increase to keep up with the increasing flow.  Meanwhile, the interest accumulates, because they are not actually taking the debt away ---- as in a real world bailout  ---- but adding more fuel to the catastrophe.   More debt to pay for the old debt.  It is insane to think this would work.   The real debts are greater than assets of the country.  The US is no longer a growth nation and there is no way to grow our way out of this.        

USD Gold

One of the key factors that many currency analyst miss on, is the fact that all the economies are connected.  So if China collapses they would no longer be able to even buy US Dollars and the currency would lose support.   If another buyer didn't ramp up purchases of USD denominated notes --- the currency could go into an immediate free fall.  There isn't anything backing the USD since 1933.  Yes---you heard it right!  The official decoupling didn't happen in 1971 during Nixon---most people think that!  The fact that gold was confiscated means the public no longer had a method to regulate out-of-control monetary institutions and this was done by FDR through an executive order. Nixon reacted on different reasoning, because other countries wanted to be paid back for debts that the US incurred during the world wars.   

If you don't understand this, I recommend you read my book: Global Economic Collapse The New Dark Ages.  There is more detail on these topics.

We have a situation in the US where the real debts are being hidden, the real state of the economy is also being hidden.  Americans have been debt slaves since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Bank was created.   The US dollar is worth 4 cents compared to a dollar in 1913.  Further dollar erosion occurred as a result of dollar becoming further unregulated.   

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hillary Didn't Win Arizona --- They Couldn't Vote

Arizona The Most Corrupt State Fixes Election For Hillary Clinton

A Harvard study in 2014 found that Arizona is the most corrupt state. link:

Link: Study: Arizona most corrupt state in US

5 hour waits at Arizona polling stations.  Many Bernie Sanders supporters denied their vote.  

It was confirmed today as Bernie Sanders voters had to wait in long lines only to find the were not eligible to vote because they were listed as Independent or just the fact that lines were too long for any working or busy person to be able to vote. It looks like the election is being swayed in Hillary Clinton's favor with Arizona putting the nail in the coffin to Bernie's campaign hopes.

Leaders from the Arizona branch of the Democratic Party have confirmed that its lawyers are officially making an inquiry after multiple Democratic voters showed up to the polls only to find that they were listed as independents, Republicans, or had no party affiliation at all. Many voters wound up having to wait in line under the hot Arizona sun only to find that they were ineligible to vote for the candidates of their choice. To add insult to injury, the polling locations have been so poorly planned that many voters had to wait in line up to four hours before finding out that their information had been improperly filed.

And if that isn’t bad enough, Arizona law already effectively disenfranchises 36 percent of registered voters. These would be voters who are unaffiliated with any political party. Independent. The only way those individuals can vote in a primary is to re-register with a political party. And they have to do so 29 days before the election. It’s ridiculous to think that 36 percent of Arizona voters -- can’t vote.

Link: Montini: Arizona - Where registered voters..CAN'T VOTE!

Todd Johnson wrote in part, “I was in one of those long lines -- from 4 p.m. to just about 6:40.  As we stood, the line just got longer…I saw motivated voters, some with children, trying to fulfill their civic duties. The poll workers were exhausted. The line had been there since 5 in the a.m. and the line only grew in length.  My estimate is that if someone were to join before the 7 p.m. cutoff they were looking at a four-hour wait.  Call these county officials out!”

Link: Something Is Going Seriously Wrong at Arizona Polls Today

Video: Long Lines Frustration At Arizona Voting Polls 

Today I lost my faith in democracy. I waited 6 hours and 15 ,minutes to vote today in AZ. They made sure that working families, especially young families and single parents would be discouraged to vote. If Bernie does not win, I vote for real revolution with my pitchfork! They called the election at 9 pm at over 1,000 people at my polling place had not voted. I met 15 Bernie supporters, 2 Trump and one Kasich near me in line. THIS ELECTION WAS RIGGED! Geoff Woods

Video: Rigged Election - Poll Rigging Arizona

Video: Media Sways Vote Projecting Hillary Winner Long Before Votes Are Counted
Link: The U.S. has ‘worst elections of any long-established democracy,’ report finds
"In the United States, the 2012 Presidential election and the 2014 Congressional elections were ranked worst of any long-established democracy, especially on campaign finance and electoral registration," the report's authors concluded.
"It remains to be seen how experts assess the 2016 US presidential contest,"the expert commission assesses. "But the overall country ranking seems unlikely to improve given persistent problems of campaign funding, heated partisan polarization over registration and balloting procedures, claims of fraud in the Iowa GOP primaries, and an early primary campaign season characterized by the politics of personal attacks, dissatisfied voters, and populist appeals."


Over a Million AZ Voters Disenfranchised

Neal Vanderstelt - Writer, Researcher, and Author of Economic Theories, Self-help, Geopolitics, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon. Global Economic Collapse On Youtube.

Link: 5 Outrageous Examples of Voter Suppression in the Arizona Primary