The frail house of cards is about to fold.
When is does it will also be the end of the US Dollar. The USD collapse will lead to martial law. See 6900 series of protocols the US government has for financial collapse.
The FED is pretty much clueless about what to do. On one hand it has been promised that rates will be raised. On the other more QE is needed to prop the system.
Just wait as we countdown to September 17th, 2015 and we shall finally see if the promised rate hike will occur ---- or will the FED be downgraded as a fraudulent entity...
Then there's the Debt Ceiling --- the government can't even pay itself. While you and I are bound to obeying the laws the government just changes the laws pay itself.
It would be like you setting your own credit limit and continually violating it even if you credit worthiness had not increased. As it stands the Nation Debt (the debt created by the debt ceiling) is over 18 trillion..
national debt
If they don't raise it the government shuts down.. Maybe it is a good thing?
QE 4 anyone? or will it be a rate hike?
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