(R) = Resource Monopoly and Big Oil. (D) = Drug Monopoly and Big Phrama. Both are fleecing the public and neither are for a real (R) Republic or (D) Democracy...
That's the first thing I learned in objectively researching each parties funding sources. Both sides actually support each other and the pass the leadership off as if a relay track team on the same side, passing off the relay stick after the public has got sick of the side that is in office. If one side does bad it will be a "one pass" of the relay baton but usually they get 2 runs around the track because the public gets so mad at the last party in power they make sure to vote two times to get back at the other side no matter how much damage either side does by creating wars and poverty.
The Republicans flaunt the flag, the military, and send their own children off to die multinational conflicts that often have nothing to do with our own society, but as long as a flag is behind it they line up for battle and go kill anyone that is a scheduled enemy (hint: they usually 3rd world nations with resources) of the banking cartel controlled by foreigners naturally---both (R) & (D)actually serve this purpose because it is job one but Republicans are the first in line to get in a war. The Democrats fall for socialist programs that cause massive debts in the name of the poor to make people poor! Both accomplish the same-----more corporate dictatorship for foreign corporations working the US consumer based economy. Ultimately it all collapses do to the accumulation of war debts and social program debts now standing at 222 trillion dollars estimates an economist named Kotlikoff who has done intense accounting research---- and added up the sum of receipts for these debts.
Neal Vanderstelt Author of The Glass Banking Pyramid ---subtitled: Modern Serfdom Soft Fascism.
Author of Economic Theories, Self-help, Geopolitics, and Conspiracies. Find me here on Amazon.
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