Monday, November 23, 2015

If You Kill 1 Terrorist You Create 2 -- US WARS Not Working!

The stage was set in 2003, when the 2nd Iraq Invasion occurred under President George W. Bush.  It hurts just to have to write out his name, because there's really not much difference between a country that bounces from Clinton's-to-Bush's and a Monarchy, but I digress.  The invasion over supposed WMD's (that were never found - not even a trace!) and the mistaken false delusional assumption that Saddam Hussein engineered 911.

As the wars continue throughout the Middle East with Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya (In Africa), it is creating a terrible, terrible situation.  Remember wars never really end, once you are at war with a people they tend to go on indefinitely with hard feelings passed on from generation to generation even if the fighting ends.  The bigger this gets the more impact it will have on the world, the economy (wars create debts, inflation, and long term poverty), and poor geopolitical relations.

Every time these people are killed, their families see this and it creates terrorist.   It's easy to kill them with bombs from a distance and feel good as if the country has done something good.   But every time a bomb is dropped and it kills a target, their children see this, their cousins see this, and you kill 1 and it creates 2 or more terrorist.  What's going on their just isn't working and now there are people flooding out of the country throughout Europe, and now the US.  They are creating problems with this massive influx of 3rd world people who have far lower standards than western countries and pose a threat to the stability of the nations they are going into.  Although they don't see it that way with their countrymen and families being killed.  It just adds more fuel to the fire.    

This is a conflict between Muslim nations (between Sunni's and Shiite's) that the US should stay out of.  The Iraq War alone is a multi-trillion dollar loss and nothing is being gained.  These countries have oil and the only beneficiary are the oil corporations --- not Americans!  American's went along with it because of 911, but the intelligent thing to do was not to create more terrorist by overreacting to what happened and using unsound judgement because of a media hyped event (repeated nonstop imagery of the attacks and political programming).  It was a traumatic event but nonetheless one that was taken advantage of by media and those seeking to engineer wars for profit while playing on people's patriotic emotions.

Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study

Americans are under the assumption that war is good because in WW-II (for a short time), put people back to work after The Great Depression and a 'WAR IS GOOD' mentality was created. But here's the problem with that false assumption and what they leave out: the U.S. did not enter WW-II until late in 1941, after Pearl Harbor was attacked.   Prior to that the US benefited from not being militarily engaged and it was the trading with countries that were at war and needed supplies --- that was the only benefit to the economy!  Sure in that aspect it is good for the country not at war, but once you start doing the fighting it has a negative impact, because the country shifts from a domestic economy producing goods to a war economy producing weapons and that means nothing is added to the economy --- it is all debts that get imploded in the form of military weapons that blow up and produce nothing for the domestic infrastructure.   Extensive wars are the key reason Rome collapsed and went into the dark ages.  The US has never paid off its war debts and it continually debases the currency.  Since 1913 (prior to the World Wars) a dollar is worth approximately 4 cents to a dollar back then.  This is not by chance.

The US is involved in wars at a more rapid pace than Rome!  It won't take 500 years for the US to collapse as did Rome ---- thanks to modern technology, this will happen much sooner!  

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

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