Friday, November 20, 2015

People Think I'm Way Over-Pessimistic, But Am I

People think I'm negative. I'm actually not as negative as you think. The people I research (other market researchers and economist) are actually more pessimistic than I am.  It includes such great names as Peter Schiff, who does amazing works in economics, and has a wealth of knowledge.  They all believe there's no way out; but they do understand the gravity of the situation or I would not follow them.  We agree on the statistics and the cycles, but here's where we differ --- I believe there is a way out for society, but it doesn't include the old way of doing things and there must be cooperation, or else the old way wins and there will be a New Dark Ages.  

These people are still within the system so to speak --- they want the past to repeat itself in some ways and they retain their societal rank.  It is common for any person to get accustom to routines.  We get up and we expect the sun to rise everyday for instance and for there to be a moon in our sky every so often.  Cycles do repeat themselves --- but there are transitions.   

I believe the big collapse is coming and there's no way of changing it, with the heard leading the way so to speak, but there is a way to transition.  There are transitions into new ages but there are also revisions into old ages as well where society falls back to an older state which many times is not very desirable.  That's why I emphasize a great change must take place if we are to evolve.  Otherwise a great repeat will occur which will not be good for most people because the past does repeat itself unless we transition.  A change to the past may sound desirable, but the kind of change I'm talking about is doing without things that you are accustom to, because the system is reaching its maximum threshold.  Many chartist like myself can see it in the form of complex mathematical patterns.  Just imagine life without say electricity or being able to drive somewhere.  It may seem inconceivable to most because like the sun rising, you have always had these things.  

Think about how society changed when technology changed and there was a tractor for instance to plow fields.  It put slavery out of business in some aspects, but created other debts to people who bought tractors and as a result of this new technology many people went broke and many laborers lost their slave work jobs.   There is a problem with technology being misused and the monopolizing of any small breakthrough --- we tend to be too content with new breakthrough because everyone competes for rank within a system of debt hierarchy so to speak.   Technology and money often conflict and it is still based on what money does --- old world money.  Don't accept any compromise with the old way.  No banker has the answer to poverty.  

Many believed Andrew Jackson could not pay off the debt or defeat the bankers.  For the 1st time and last time in history Jackson paid off the debts and even beat the bankers at their own game when they held all the resources.  It was ingenious but not impossible.  He was considered uneducated, but obviously he was not an uneducated man.  He was just not part of their educated cult, yet he could operate at their highest levels and even beat them.  Justifiably beat them because they were wrong.    

There is a game changer, I keep that to myself for now that is, but you can get an idea by reading my book. Like Andrew Jackson found a way --- there is a way.  However most are too thoroughly brainwashed by the system to understand the way out at this time and that is half the problem.  Most of society sufferers from Stockholm Syndrome. I'm speaking of the great collapse of this society --- all know is coming --- even the one's that deny it.  You know they have doubt.  The one's that claim the economy has recovered when the reality is the statistics are just being forged and they just take on more of the bait from the system.  

Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors.

I believe that most of society suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.  Worshiping of money and the people who control it and the resources.  They believe there is no other way.  Perhaps if you think about it enough --- a society where money is not the controlling factor.
The funny thing is we don't even have a free market but many believe that's what this is -- despite endless QE.. It is obviously the most fictional market in the history of Earth's conventional history --- the most fictitious long running scam in history.  Yet everyone is looking to these very people for answers.

Neal Vanderstelt --- Author of Global Economic Collapse: The New Dark Ages

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