Tuesday, November 10, 2015

US DEBT estimated to be 222 Trillion not 18 trillion

According to some economist such as Larry Kotlikoff and now Ben Carson is coming out with a similar figure but he is not the originator of this concept. 

Larry Kotlikoff: Every dollar the government takes in or pays out can be labelled in economically arbitrary ways. For example, the government can call our social security contributions “taxes” or “official borrowing.” And it can call our social security benefits “transfer payments” or “return of principal or principal plus interest.” There is nothing in the math of economic theory that pins down the government’s word choice and each labelling convention will produce a different reported time path of debt, deficits, taxes, and spending. At their heart, these measures are linguistic and convey nothing about a country’s underlying fiscal policy – only about what the government decides to put on and keep off the books.

So, they are hiding the debt is by mislabeling the debt.   Ron Paul stated before Congress, the US dollar is worth only 4 cents today compared to a dollar in 1913.   That's not a very good track record for our Central Bank who is supposed to stabilize money but in reality they have enabled a system of perpetual debt.

As if things were not bad enough they are deferring our debt by selling it on the open market to foreign countries.   As it stands Japan, China, Belgium, Brazil, and Switzerland are major holder of US debt.  If any of them decides to dump it will cause a major devaluation of US assets and quite possibly a currency collapse.

Chart below is a reflection of debt that is reaching WW-II levels even using official data compared to GDP.  The situation is far worse than this chart reflects because this is only using the national debt-to-GDP and not the 222 trillion which is the real US debt.

They already have the replacement set up for us.  The BRICS is an alliance between China, Russia, India, China, and South Africa to offer an alternative to the US dollar as the World's Reserve Currency.  Since many of these countries also own US debt they can dump our assets to prop their own.   In 2014, this actually happened when Belgium ended up buying up US treasuries, in amounts worth more than the country itself.   The actual buyer is thought to have been EuroClear.

Alex Jones went to the San Antonio Federal Reserve Bank to stage a demonstration and in front of a large crowd the Federal Reserve Bank (who claims to be a government entity) told them to get off their "private property".  They repeated on camera that the building was on private property.  So there you have it ---- The FED is not only not Federal ---- it is private. link

Most people have no idea the true history of these financial entities or who really controls the debt.  If you do the research the US is foreign controlled nation with no control over its finances.  All this makes sense when you look at the overall state of the economy and the amount of outsourcing in the US.  The US is also highly regulated compared to foreign countries, who make products that would violate our environmental and labor laws.   So not only are we exporting labor and debt, we are also exporting the resource potential of the country.

If you were a true environmentalist you would not buy 1 product from China as they use the dirtiest coal to create their energy and many people wear mask in public.  In some cities it is so bad the old cannot walk out to the streets where the pollution is so harsh it might make them pass out.  This is what you are selling your children's future into because the US will have to become like China to keep up with the debt creation.  That means forced labor and unrestricted environmental laws.   People who are concerned about the environment and buy their products because they are cheap are phonies.  

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