The big secret is most of the money owed that is unfunded aside for SS -- is owed to the medical mafia. They are using outdated low level technology such as chemotherapy and their drugs are experimental.. They do this intentionally to keep the monopoly in tact.
See this chart for a ballpark figure on what the medical mafia is costing us: The Debt Clock. Note that the prescription drug debt is greater than the National Debt and Social Security liabilities. Medicare Unfunded Liabilities are equal to all assets in the USA.
Total U.S. household and nonprofit assets amounted to $88.37 trillion as of September 2013. This includes real estate holdings (IYR), deposits, savings, and money tied up in stocks, mutual funds and ETFs like the S&P 500 SPDR (SPY), QQQ (QQQ), Dow Diamonds (DIA), etc.Oct 22, 2013
There's actually cures for cancer, but the corrupted FDA will not let them surface so we will never know what works and what doesn't because they won't let research be conducted. Antineoplastons can possibly cure cancer but the FDA sued the doctor and forced him to conduct his treatments on patients after they go through their Chemo treatment first; it kills healthy cells needed to beat the cancer. They pretty much put him out of business after showing positive results. There are also other treatments and even diets that show a great potential to cure cancer.
The drugs they use tend to treat the symptoms of diseases and cause side effects and they get treated with yes more drugs. If you can state one drug offered by big Pharma that cures a disease leave it in the comments and I'll stand corrected. The way they tend to treat diseases is by treating the outside symptom which in turn mask the cause of the disease so people just get sicker or their body heals itself with no help from the drug they give which also causes other ailments to surface. The reason people go mad on the Psychiatric drugs is the drugs are experimental and they are doing just that / masking the disorder (depression or what ever) and the condition tends to get worse because the person doesn't know they have a problem anymore because of the drug and they don't get the necessary therapy.
Vaccines have no proven track record of use. Many believe they do because of the propaganda, but objective studies have found that the viruses they treat where already practically eliminated when the vaccines where introduced in historical records and data. Dr. Joseph Mercola and other alternative doctors have done the research.
The trick is the body can cure diseases, it just takes certain requirements and they don't want you to know those requirements so the FDA uses very low levels for their recommended daily amounts. Furthermore the doctors won't tell you if you are deficient in a vitamin or mineral because their standards are too low and if you are low in say Vitamin D they will not tell you how much D to take because they don't know - they have not done the research, but there are proven studies available that give the correct standards. Less than 50 ng/ml is most likely deficient and 75 is optimal. I raised my D from 30 which is way too low to 100 within 2 months but the doctors typically will not tell you that is too low. over 100 is too high (150 is toxic) so I stopped taking when I got there near 100 and now I'll test again in say 6 months and decide if I should aggressively supplement. I take a small amount to keep it balanced because I don't get a lot of sun. They are keeping us sick by not letting us know what our bodies need!
On the board of the FDA is x-Monsanto and x-Big Pharma employees. They keep the regulations in house so to speak. John D. Rockefeller funded the AMA to discredit alternative therapies that had been in successful use for ages. While not all alternative therapies work -- everything alternative got dismissed as snake oil or quackery. The same family is responsible for funding Hitler and helping Nazi Germany through Standard Oil.
Neal Vanderstelt - Author on Amazon
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