*article under edit* but I have to get this out every minute I can devote to this I will.
In short The House of Saud funds the terrorist groups and people who control the media also invest in oil, create wars that you have to die in to defend the one's that created the terrorist in the first place.
The Western-educated prince, 57, is known as the Warren Buffett of the Middle East because of his reputation as a shrewd investor. He also owns 7 per cent of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.
Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, Geopolitics, and Conspiracies.
Find me here on Amazon.
Mr. Trump claimed he saw the evil Muslims cheering on 911 which very well be true but if he knew this in 2001 why was he doing business with them in recent years to help them make even yet more money to fund terrorist?
"While no one can find video of “thousands and thousands” of Muslims cheering on 9/11 in New Jersey as Trump claim happened, there’s plenty of video of Trump chilling with his Muslim BFF Sajwani. You can see the two laughing it up at the 2014 press conference in Dubai, riding in Trump’s special golf cart and posing for cameras as Trump gives a big thumbs up while praising Sajwani and Dubai."
Trump constantly makes all these one-line promises he's going to fix this and fix that but doesn't give you a concrete plan other than he can do it because he is Donald Trump! Mindless Republicans cheer him on even though not long ago he praised Democratic policies. But hey don't let me stop you from voting for him because it won't matter who you choose the elections are full of actors through and through.. The media runs the propaganda and the banks fund the people who get in the limelight. If you want to pretend your vote counts go knock yourself out! Go vote for Trump or Bernie Sanders! Go waste your energy I don't care because either way one actor or another will win and they will be part of the same self-serving club!
Whoever gets in power will be bowing to the House of Saud and making crafty deals to empower some of the greatest violators of human rights on the planet!
Woman in Saudi Arabia are treated worse than a pet, bags over their faces, have to ask for permission to do basic society functions, Look at Trump smiling away with one of their heads! They have a beheading at a rate of 1 every 2 days yet you won't hear too much about his on FOX NEWS or MSNBC will you? They are even on the UN Human Rights Panel.
"Saudi Arabia is having a bad year on the human rights front. In the past few months, the U.S. ally has drawn widespread condemnation for sentencing a blogger to 1,000 lashes with a cane for writing about free speech (only 50 lashes have been delivered so far), and for its plans to execute a young political dissident by beheading him and publicly crucifying his body afterward."
Wahhabism is the most extreme form of the Muslim belief system and The House of Saud are its key enforcers. They are known to fund the very terrorist groups that we have to fight but they are given full military protection by the US and will continue to get that protection regardless of who the next puppet president of the US is.
Some of the greatest routine violators of human rights against children, the disabled, woman, and gays. Look at how happy they are to be with people who practice and enforce Wahhabism.
These criminals are so tight the prince even bought Trump's superyatch!
"The new airliner joins Prince Alwaleed’s stable of private jets, including a modified Boeing 747 and an Airbus 321. He is also the proud owner of a 280ft superyacht, 5KR, formerly owned by Donald Trump, which featured in the Bond film, Never Say Never Again. "
Giant of the skies: The Airbus A380 is the world's largest airliner and has been designed to carry over 600 passengers. The basic cost is £135 million but Prince Alwaleed's plane is expected to top £300million |
Prince Al-Waleed bought his buddy Donald Trump's "Trump's Princess," a 280' ft Super Yacht featured in "Never Say Never Again"! Maybe that's what American voters should be saying if they had a clue. |
Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economic Theories, Self-help, Geopolitics, and Conspiracies. Find me here on Amazon.