Friday, December 25, 2015

Christians and Christmas disgust me. All the support of the military and Imperialism in the name of "God"

All these people praising the military over and over / nonstop Jesus + military, Jesus + military, God is with you soldier, kill kill kill and keep telling yourself you're good people and holy.

Not one praise to people who work and bring you stuff. Praising military people as if they are barbarians, praising the killing of 3rd world people over oil and the praising of imperialism--praising trained killers who pull a trigger and ending of someone's life who has no fighting chance against you in their own homeland.  This occupation and genocide should be condemned and be an embarrassment to your belief.  But then again this is nothing new for the religious who are professional exploiters and slave masters.

Why don't you people praise a Chinese person that made you your cheap stuff or the truck driver who lives on the road to bring you stuff! Or the carpenter, electrician, and cement worker that built what you live in! Or the poor Middle Easterner who's country you have exploited for resources.. The black race you used as slaves to build your country and the Indians you mass slaughtered in the name of your imperialism and religion.

Here's some images you so called Holy Christians should be showing people of your faith:

Neal Vanderstelt - Writer, Researcher, and Author of Economic Theories, Self-help, Geopolitics, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon. Global Economic Collapse On Youtube.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Chemtrails Covering Skies All Over The World --- Geo Engineering

Dangerous chemicals might be in these chemical trails such as high levels of Barium and Aluminum.  Fluoride is in widespread use throughout the United States, Australia, and other countries who have not yet banned the toxic substance.  More caring governments like Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have banned it from their populations water supply.  It's in your food, it's in your water, and it might even be in your air thanks to chemtrails.  In the A-bomb experiments classified documents underscored the dangers of fluoride which is the main ingredient in rat poisoning.

GMO foods are very popular on the shelves in the US despite the outcry by a large majority of the public to label,  Republicans in particular refuse to support labeling of GMO's that were created by Monsanto.  Monsanto put small farmers out of business a long time ago and destroyed the family farms that went back many generations. If you like this kind of content see me on YouTube "Global Economic Collapse" Channel

Neal Vanderstelt - Writer, Researcher, and Author of Economic Theories, Self-help, Geopolitics, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon. Global Economic Collapse On Youtube.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Clint Eastwood tweets Obama is the worst president! What do you think?

Is Obama the worst president? Clint Eastwood thinks so.. My response: "his approval rating isn't exactly "JFK status".. i don't know.. I think Nixon and Bush were pretty shitty, very high up there, but try explaining this to these dumb Republicans--that just push their party regardless of how shitty they are or what they represent. Bush is an outright NAZI, has NAZI roots, and passed The Patriot Act, a policy that destroyed American liberties. A policy very similar to Hitler's Enabling Act, and opening the door to other abuses. The Bush's even funded Hitler and without that funding Adolf Hitler would not have had the support needed. Yet his family is allowed to have 2 generations serving as president, after having direct ties to Hitler, and conspiring to kill millions. Nixon ruined the country in many ways.. I don't think that has to be explained because it is rather obvious. "

---Neal Vanderstelt

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economic Theories, Self-help, Geopolitics, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Republicans are for Big Oil and War, The Democrats are for Big Pharma and Social Programs --- Both lie a lot

(R) = Resource Monopoly and Big Oil. (D) = Drug Monopoly and Big Phrama. Both are fleecing the public and neither are for a real (R) Republic or (D) Democracy...

That's the first thing I learned in objectively researching each parties funding sources. Both sides actually support each other and the pass the leadership off as if a relay track team on the same side, passing off the relay stick after the public has got sick of the side that is in office. If one side does bad it will be a "one pass" of the relay baton but usually they get 2 runs around the track because the public gets so mad at the last party in power they make sure to vote two times to get back at the other side no matter how much damage either side does by creating wars and poverty.

The Republicans flaunt the flag, the military, and send their own children off to die multinational conflicts that often have nothing to do with our own society, but as long as a flag is behind it they line up for battle and go kill anyone that is a scheduled enemy (hint: they usually 3rd world nations with resources) of the banking cartel controlled by foreigners naturally---both (R) & (D)actually serve this purpose because it is job one but Republicans are the first in line to get in a war. The Democrats fall for socialist programs that cause massive debts in the name of the poor to make people poor! Both accomplish the same-----more corporate dictatorship for foreign corporations working the US consumer based economy. Ultimately it all collapses do to the accumulation of war debts and social program debts now standing at 222 trillion dollars estimates an economist named Kotlikoff who has done intense accounting research---- and added up the sum of receipts for these debts.

 Neal Vanderstelt Author of The Glass Banking Pyramid ---subtitled: Modern Serfdom Soft Fascism.

Author of Economic Theories, Self-help, Geopolitics, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

"BAD TERRORIST" scam disclosed --- Fox News Donald Trump Saudis Clinton's all Good Friends and Business Partners

*article under edit* but I have to get this out every minute I can devote to this I will.

In short The House of Saud funds the terrorist groups and people who control the media also invest in oil, create wars that you have to die in to defend the one's that created the terrorist in the first place.

The Western-educated prince, 57, is known as the Warren Buffett of the Middle East because of his reputation as a shrewd investor. He also owns 7 per cent of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.


Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, Geopolitics, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

Mr. Trump claimed he saw the evil Muslims cheering on 911 which very well be true but if he knew this in 2001 why was he doing business with them in recent years to help them make even yet more money to fund terrorist?

"While no one can find video of “thousands and thousands” of Muslims cheering on 9/11 in New Jersey as Trump claim happened, there’s plenty of video of Trump chilling with his Muslim BFF Sajwani. You can see the two laughing it up at the 2014 press conference in Dubai, riding in Trump’s special golf cart and posing for cameras as Trump gives a big thumbs up while praising Sajwani and Dubai."

Trump constantly makes all these one-line promises he's going to fix this and fix that but doesn't give you a concrete plan other than he can do it because he is Donald Trump!  Mindless Republicans cheer him on even though not long ago he praised Democratic policies.  But hey don't let me stop you from voting for him because it won't matter who you choose the elections are full of actors through and through.. The media runs the propaganda and the banks fund the people who get in the limelight.  If you want to pretend your vote counts go knock yourself out!  Go vote for Trump or Bernie Sanders!  Go waste your energy I don't care because either way one actor or another will win and they will be part of the same self-serving club!

Whoever gets in power will be bowing to the House of Saud and making crafty deals to empower some of the greatest violators of human rights on the planet!

Woman in Saudi Arabia are treated worse than a pet, bags over their faces, have to ask for permission to do basic society functions,  Look at Trump smiling away with one of their heads!  They have a beheading at a rate of 1 every 2 days yet you won't hear too much about his on FOX NEWS or MSNBC will you?  They are even on the UN Human Rights Panel.


"Saudi Arabia is having a bad year on the human rights front. In the past few months, the U.S. ally has drawn widespread condemnation for sentencing a blogger to 1,000 lashes with a cane for writing about free speech (only 50 lashes have been delivered so far), and for its plans to execute a young political dissident by beheading him and publicly crucifying his body afterward."

Wahhabism is the most extreme form of the Muslim belief system and The House of Saud are its key enforcers.  They are known to fund the very terrorist groups that we have to fight but they are given full military protection by the US and will continue to get that protection regardless of who the next puppet president of the US is.

Some of the greatest routine violators of human rights against children, the disabled, woman, and gays. Look at how happy they are to be with people who practice and enforce Wahhabism.

These criminals are so tight the prince even bought Trump's superyatch!
"The new airliner joins Prince Alwaleed’s stable of private jets, including a modified Boeing 747 and an Airbus 321. He is also the proud owner of a 280ft superyacht, 5KR, formerly owned by Donald Trump, which featured in the Bond film, Never Say Never Again. "

Giant of the skies: The Airbus A380 is the world's largest airliner and has been designed to carry over 600 passengers. The basic cost is £135 million but Prince Alwaleed's plane is expected to top £300million 
Prince Al-Waleed bought his buddy Donald Trump's "Trump's Princess," a 280' ft Super Yacht featured in "Never Say Never Again"!  Maybe that's what American voters should be saying if they had a clue.   
Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economic Theories, Self-help, Geopolitics, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.  


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Saudi Arabia Slavery of Migrant workers who work 15-20 hours a day in menial conditions.

US presidents have all worshiped the House of Saud, everyone of them bowing before Saudi Arabian kings who practice Wahhabism, extreme fundamental Sunni faction of Muslim belief that strips away basic rights that Woman have in the west. Meanwhile Americans tell us thank the military for fighting for our freedoms and what we stand for. This country gets full military protection from the United States. While the US military is diverted to fighting for the very terrorist groups The House of Saud helps fund. The whole situation is full of contradictions and foul play, promoting unending future conflicts.

 Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economic Theories, Geopolitics, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

Roman Gladiators and Football Players: Have a lot in Common---Provide Distraction From Governing!

Romans played their gladiator games all the way to the fall of the empire. At such time they began participating in cannibalism because there wasn't much food but there was dead gladiators to eat.. Yummy!

Remember this as 70% of American economy is consumer based off of borrowed fictional money.  Who will fill the colosseums in the future after a U.S. Dollar collapse or World War III?

For most American's however this is the least of all concerns.

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

Americans Itching for Wars in the Middle East created by same Bankers who funded Hitler

Does anyone notice that not one terrorist invades Saudi Arabia?

I know Americans don't care---all severely dumbed down into a linear stupor. The Saudi's are funding the terrorist and they won't take even one so called refugee---are not under the microscope and have US military backing.

Meanwhile, the Saudis just sit back and help destabilize the region (that's not good I must remind you) in the name of Wahhabism where they own slaves, practice beheaddings, and deny woman basic rights while Americans pretend this is a religious war against people on the northern side of the Middle East (hint: Saudi Arabia is in the south and the center of the problem).

Sorry to use big words for uneducated Americans, I know it is diffcult to understand because your education is through mainstream news, sports, and a dumbed down educational system. I know just waive a flag and do what foreign bankers and royals say---protect the Wahhabist by attacking their enemies while they bred in mass numbers and infect your society.

As usual, I know you won't get the context of my message, as for the fist criticism against the US and its use of military powers to defend terrorist and bankers who also funded Hitler for the record. I will now be dubbed anti-American by dumb American. All of this is a waste of my efforts. Americans will just listen to their Fox News, MSNBC, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruise, and Donald Trump who have no knowledge in this category but all willing to engage in wars or other dramatic measures in society that end up ridding you of the concepts of what America once stood for. Have fun losing your children in the new World War created by the same families that created the other one's! Don't worry the next war will be never-ending and you will all get your wish. Author Neal Vanderstelt Global Economic Collapse: The New Dark Ages

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Saturday, December 5, 2015

How Americans Became Debt Slaves----Overnight!

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

ISIS Funded Through Charity --- Italy Taskforce Confirms

Children used as a front to fund terrorism.

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

ISIS funding Saudi Arabia

Thursday, December 3, 2015

British May Be The Most Evil People In History - Slavery - Genocide - Oppression

History has taught us how the British ended slavery and were a civilized civilization but is that really true? Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

A New World Order! What It Is and How it Will Occur

Many people believe that a NEW WORLD ORDER is a CONSPIRACY THEORY, but what if it is not?  And why would presidents and other people in politics mention this concept so much?  Lets take a look at how many times this has been mentioned in the following video, without mention of a CONSPIRACY THEORY by someone on Youtube:

January 16th, 1991:
"We have in this past year made great progress in ending the long era of conflict and cold war. We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order–a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful–and we will be–we have a real chance at this new world order, an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the U.N.’s founders"
President George H. W. Bush

The above statement should not be taken lightly.  George H. W. Bush, not only a U.S. president, but the head of the CIA at one time.

CNBC 2008
“I think that his [Obama’s] task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period, when really a New World Order can be created.” —Henry Kissinger, United States National Security Advisor

“We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.” —David Rockefeller, Banker, net worth of 3 billion

From what I gather, the concept of a new world order is both financial and political.   It could be any number of events that trigger new world order.  It could be a war or a financial event but most likely a combination of both.  Historically hard monetary changes usually include wars.  Clearly the area of concern has been the middle east and if you closely look at the current conflict it revolves around oil.

There has been an attempt for Muslim countries to price their oil in another currency such as the Euro.  This has typically resulted in a war.   Currently oil transactions are made in US dollar because of an agreement that Henry Kissinger arranged in 1973, after the gold standard was removed.  It provided artificial demand for USD's that was needed to keep the USD as the WORLD'S RESERVE CURRENCY.  Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya tried to leave the US dollar and it resulted in regime change, they quickly went back to trading oil in USD.

The cost of these wars are immense.  The cost of the Iraq War alone, may be as high as 2 trillion, and counting.  The Afghanistan War appears to be the new Vietnam War that never seems to end.  War cost are only one area of concern. There is destabilization of the region making more terrorist oppositions, there are the mental effects of a soldier being constantly engaged in multi-tour military operations, and there are geopolitical effects worldwide.  

"Study: Iraq, Afghan war costs to top $4 trillion. The U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will cost taxpayers $4 trillion to $6 trillion, taking into account the medical care of wounded veterans and expensive repairs to a force depleted by more than a decade of fighting, according to a new study by a Harvard researcher."  Mar 28, 2013

What's the big idea? It appears to be the stage for a "New World Order".

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.


Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Socialist Policy That Worked Very Very Well For Germany --- Solar Energy

Hermann Scheer, a German Socialist proposed solar energy as a major source of energy for Germany.  It has taken off like a wild fire in Germany.   While the US has 3900% more sun than Germany, it has 6000% less solar energy use.

One has to wonder, how the US could make such a big mistake, that is to abandon and avoid the free energy available every day throughout the 3,537,436 sq. miles of land, in a region where the sun is very plentiful.  Many Americans still believe it is too expensive.  But the fact is there has been more than a 99% reduction in solar panels since 1977.  Today, a solar panel system usually costs between $15,000 to $40,000, before rebates, tax credits, and other incentives.  If you do it yourself, the cost is much less.  You can find a complete solar panel on Ebay that cost ruffly $1.30 USD per watt with free shipping.

solar energy
Price of solar PV systems. History of PV roof-top prices in euros per kilowatt (€/kW)

Germany on the other hand encourages its citizens to use solar energy.  It is a massively booming industry.   In the first half of 2014, 28.5% of gross electricity production in Germany came from renewable sources.   The German government sets targets to increase the use of renewable energy and provides incentives, Germany has become a world leader in alternative energy as a result.

On midday of Saturday May 26, 2012, solar energy provided over 40% of total electricity consumption in Germany, and 20% for the 24h-day.


Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

The Debts Of The US A Dead Nation Owned by China

The real debts of the United States are over 222 trillion, an estimate made by economist Larry Kotlikoff in his extensive research that has outlined accounting and clerical errors. The National Debt of the nation does not include the entire debts, which include: prescription drug debts (over 19 trillion and counting), Medicare (79 trillion and counting), Medicaid, National Healthcare Unfunded Liability (9 trillion and counting).

Americans are obligated to pay over 1 million per person to fund these debts that have been created by the Federal Government and a society living well beyond its means.  The straw that breaks the camels back is just looming in the near future.

While the US is bankrupt, China is taking over by buying real assets in the form of real estate, and corporations. The US, meanwhile, continues to buy Chinese products on the credit card of the nation, which is well over the limit.  The strategy has been to raise the debt ceiling and fund bad debt with more debt.  Basically selling off the nation on the cheap.  

The answer to the bubble of 2008, has been QE on top of QE, and zero percent interest rates to flood money into an illiquid and dead system.  What I see here is a dead nation, with a pulse rate that has went to zero, and stayed at zero going into 2016 now.  A nation basically on critical life support, with no other answer than adding more debt to fund the past debt.  Some call this financial phenomenon "QE infinity".  The US economy is in intensive care, with vultures coming in and picking off what meat is left.

But hey what's a trillion here, or a trillion there, they can just print it up right?

Every dollar they print up leads to your debt slavery, because the debt is funded by more debt, in a continual debt spiral that has been spinning out of control since the Nixon era.

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Robot replacement for $15 an hour laborers:

This just proves that manual labor is a scam and people need not have to work to have things. In other words, the machine is much more efficient --- labor is not needed. But the stupidly is that we can't use a machine or they will "replace us". That fear has stopped society from evolving with the belief we have to have human slaves and if they are not slaves they don't get to exist. The machine makes it so more people are provided for not less -- it is the money powers that misuse the technology.

See video:

So, if we are to believe that these machines are replacements for us, and as if this more efficient technology can only be used to save McDonald's money, how is this evolving?   We can't use a machine that is more efficient because it will "replace us," and if they replace menial labor these people should be living out in the streets is what they imply.

Now I agree that higher pay may hurt the economy but with the use of technology society can evolve to a higher level and not stuck in a loop where the monopolies want to keep us and abuse the population that is being used as a labor pool and as cattle rather than seeking for a higher existence which could be easily accomplished and this technology is proof!

This is senseless abuse of technology.  If labor is not needed our resources can be used differently in every aspect of society.  We could have traveled the solar system many times over if not for these road blocks-----punishing people if they don't take low wage jobs and if they get more pay-----bang just like that, a technology is instantly released!  The fact of the matter is nobody has to be without.  Machines can do the work, but they are making a monopoly on labor based on the old world principles of slavery, and artificial debt creation to keep people binded in debt to the money hoarders----limiting the evolution of technology, the rational use of resources, and ultimately equality.  The technology is going to waste because of greed and primitive beliefs based on medieval hierarchy.

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

If You Kill 1 Terrorist You Create 2 -- US WARS Not Working!

The stage was set in 2003, when the 2nd Iraq Invasion occurred under President George W. Bush.  It hurts just to have to write out his name, because there's really not much difference between a country that bounces from Clinton's-to-Bush's and a Monarchy, but I digress.  The invasion over supposed WMD's (that were never found - not even a trace!) and the mistaken false delusional assumption that Saddam Hussein engineered 911.

As the wars continue throughout the Middle East with Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya (In Africa), it is creating a terrible, terrible situation.  Remember wars never really end, once you are at war with a people they tend to go on indefinitely with hard feelings passed on from generation to generation even if the fighting ends.  The bigger this gets the more impact it will have on the world, the economy (wars create debts, inflation, and long term poverty), and poor geopolitical relations.

Every time these people are killed, their families see this and it creates terrorist.   It's easy to kill them with bombs from a distance and feel good as if the country has done something good.   But every time a bomb is dropped and it kills a target, their children see this, their cousins see this, and you kill 1 and it creates 2 or more terrorist.  What's going on their just isn't working and now there are people flooding out of the country throughout Europe, and now the US.  They are creating problems with this massive influx of 3rd world people who have far lower standards than western countries and pose a threat to the stability of the nations they are going into.  Although they don't see it that way with their countrymen and families being killed.  It just adds more fuel to the fire.    

This is a conflict between Muslim nations (between Sunni's and Shiite's) that the US should stay out of.  The Iraq War alone is a multi-trillion dollar loss and nothing is being gained.  These countries have oil and the only beneficiary are the oil corporations --- not Americans!  American's went along with it because of 911, but the intelligent thing to do was not to create more terrorist by overreacting to what happened and using unsound judgement because of a media hyped event (repeated nonstop imagery of the attacks and political programming).  It was a traumatic event but nonetheless one that was taken advantage of by media and those seeking to engineer wars for profit while playing on people's patriotic emotions.

Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study

Americans are under the assumption that war is good because in WW-II (for a short time), put people back to work after The Great Depression and a 'WAR IS GOOD' mentality was created. But here's the problem with that false assumption and what they leave out: the U.S. did not enter WW-II until late in 1941, after Pearl Harbor was attacked.   Prior to that the US benefited from not being militarily engaged and it was the trading with countries that were at war and needed supplies --- that was the only benefit to the economy!  Sure in that aspect it is good for the country not at war, but once you start doing the fighting it has a negative impact, because the country shifts from a domestic economy producing goods to a war economy producing weapons and that means nothing is added to the economy --- it is all debts that get imploded in the form of military weapons that blow up and produce nothing for the domestic infrastructure.   Extensive wars are the key reason Rome collapsed and went into the dark ages.  The US has never paid off its war debts and it continually debases the currency.  Since 1913 (prior to the World Wars) a dollar is worth approximately 4 cents to a dollar back then.  This is not by chance.

The US is involved in wars at a more rapid pace than Rome!  It won't take 500 years for the US to collapse as did Rome ---- thanks to modern technology, this will happen much sooner!  

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

US Bond Manipulation -- Mystery Buyer Belgium Buying Up US Bond Assets.

In 2014, severe bond dumping occurred, but a mystery buyer out of Belgium appeared to prop the US bond market up.  It made Belgium the 3rd largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury bonds.  What's so strange about this is it could not be the country itself, because Belgium does not have the capital to make such purchases.  One has to ask, does this qualify as bond manipulation, to prop up US denominated assets (in other words, propping up the US dollar to devalue others)?

 These treasury market manipulations — put Belgium behind only financial giants Japan and China.

We know however that it is not Belgium itself because they don't have the capital.  Some speculate it is China working through a Belgium proxy, to cloak their financial manipulations, devaluing the Yuan (Chinese currency) and at the same time prop up the U.S. Dollar, and creating a competitive edge for Chinese markets while making the US Dollar artificially stronger.  This all makes sense if you follow the US Federal Reserve Bank's monetary policy meetings and QE bailouts, that it does not make sense that the dollar would have such strength, coupled with the fact the US GDP is relatively weak.

Chart below shows Treasury holdings doubled through late 2013 and early 2014:

The transactions were placed by EuroClear (a clearinghouse), but they will not say which clients were involved, thus providing a cloak for possible stealth banking operations, which may also be illegal under international laws.  China would possibly do this to disguise the allegations that it manipulates its currency.  This leads to the question, that if this is so, just how fragile is the Chinese economy and the US Dollar?

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

Friday, November 20, 2015

According to Economist Laurence Kotlikoff: Increased Taxes or spending cuts need to total at least 12%

The Fiscal Gap is a measure of total indebtedness; the difference between the present value of all of government's projected financial obligations, including: future expenditures, servicing outstanding official federal debt, and the present value of all projected future tax and other receipts, including income accruing from the government's current ownership of financial assets.

The total debt has been estimated to be 222 Trillion dollars in alternative calculations which give a more accurate value to the US debt, which is being distorted by limited disclosure of figures, and poor methods of accounting that provide further distortion --- a cloak over the debt the United States is obligated to fund and be responsible about.  So it would take an increase of 12% in taxes or spending cuts totaling 12% to solve the fiscal gap issue.  It is a future projection to balance the debt that is being ignored because of fraudulent data and accounting.

Should the debt problems be allowed to run wild, there could be a run on the banks and decoupling of the dollar.  Countries such as China have already set up measures for such a decouple by raising its gold reserves and setting up an alternative to the US dollar such as the BRICS alliance.

The problem is being exacerbated by the monetary policies of the central bank.  Perhaps, it is because of the excessive money printing and over-reaction to the stock market --- the Federal Reserve Bank itself --- may be more of a threat to National Security than anything else.
Please see my other articles for further information.  

Neal Vanderstelt - Author of Economics Theories, Self-help, and Conspiracies.  Find me here on Amazon.

The Medical Mafia - The Debt Burden To Society

The big secret is most of the money owed that is unfunded aside for SS -- is owed to the medical mafia.   They are using outdated low level technology such as chemotherapy and their drugs are experimental.. They do this intentionally to keep the monopoly in tact.

See this chart for a ballpark figure on what the medical mafia is costing us:  The Debt Clock.  Note that the prescription drug debt is greater than the National Debt and Social Security liabilities.  Medicare Unfunded Liabilities are equal to all assets in the USA.

Total U.S. household and nonprofit assets amounted to $88.37 trillion as of September 2013. This includes real estate holdings (IYR), deposits, savings, and money tied up in stocks, mutual funds and ETFs like the S&P 500 SPDR (SPY), QQQ (QQQ), Dow Diamonds (DIA), etc.Oct 22, 2013

There's actually cures for cancer, but the corrupted FDA will not let them surface so we will never know what works and what doesn't because they won't let research be conducted. Antineoplastons can possibly cure cancer but the FDA sued the doctor and forced him to conduct his treatments on patients after they go through their Chemo treatment first; it kills healthy cells needed to beat the cancer.  They pretty much put him out of business after showing positive results.  There are also other treatments and even diets that show a great potential to cure cancer.

The drugs they use tend to treat the symptoms of diseases and cause side effects and they get treated with yes more drugs.  If you can state one drug offered by big Pharma that cures a disease leave it in the comments and I'll stand corrected.   The way they tend to treat diseases is by treating the outside symptom which in turn mask the cause of the disease so people just get sicker or their body heals itself with no help from the drug they give which also causes other ailments to surface.  The reason people go mad on the Psychiatric drugs is the drugs are experimental and they are doing just that / masking the disorder (depression or what ever) and the condition tends to get worse because the person doesn't know they have a problem anymore because of the drug and they don't get the necessary therapy.

 Vaccines have no proven track record of use.  Many believe they do because of the propaganda, but objective studies have found that the viruses they treat where already practically eliminated when the vaccines where introduced in historical records and data.  Dr. Joseph Mercola and other alternative doctors have done the research.

The trick is the body can cure diseases, it just takes certain requirements and they don't want you to know those requirements so the FDA uses very low levels for their recommended daily amounts. Furthermore the doctors won't tell you if you are deficient in a vitamin or mineral because their standards are too low and if you are low in say Vitamin D they will not tell you how much D to take because they don't know - they have not done the research, but there are proven studies available that give the correct standards.  Less than 50 ng/ml is most likely deficient and 75 is optimal.  I raised my D from 30 which is way too low to 100 within 2 months but the doctors typically will not tell you that is too low. over 100 is too high (150 is toxic) so I stopped taking when I got there near 100 and now I'll test again in say 6 months and decide if I should aggressively supplement. I take a small amount to keep it balanced because I don't get a lot of sun.  They are keeping us sick by not letting us know what our bodies need!

On the board of the FDA is x-Monsanto and x-Big Pharma employees.  They keep the regulations in house so to speak.   John D. Rockefeller funded the AMA to discredit alternative therapies that had been in successful use for ages.  While not all alternative therapies work -- everything alternative got dismissed as snake oil or quackery.   The same family is responsible for funding Hitler and helping Nazi Germany through Standard Oil.  

Neal Vanderstelt - Author on Amazon

People Think I'm Way Over-Pessimistic, But Am I

People think I'm negative. I'm actually not as negative as you think. The people I research (other market researchers and economist) are actually more pessimistic than I am.  It includes such great names as Peter Schiff, who does amazing works in economics, and has a wealth of knowledge.  They all believe there's no way out; but they do understand the gravity of the situation or I would not follow them.  We agree on the statistics and the cycles, but here's where we differ --- I believe there is a way out for society, but it doesn't include the old way of doing things and there must be cooperation, or else the old way wins and there will be a New Dark Ages.  

These people are still within the system so to speak --- they want the past to repeat itself in some ways and they retain their societal rank.  It is common for any person to get accustom to routines.  We get up and we expect the sun to rise everyday for instance and for there to be a moon in our sky every so often.  Cycles do repeat themselves --- but there are transitions.   

I believe the big collapse is coming and there's no way of changing it, with the heard leading the way so to speak, but there is a way to transition.  There are transitions into new ages but there are also revisions into old ages as well where society falls back to an older state which many times is not very desirable.  That's why I emphasize a great change must take place if we are to evolve.  Otherwise a great repeat will occur which will not be good for most people because the past does repeat itself unless we transition.  A change to the past may sound desirable, but the kind of change I'm talking about is doing without things that you are accustom to, because the system is reaching its maximum threshold.  Many chartist like myself can see it in the form of complex mathematical patterns.  Just imagine life without say electricity or being able to drive somewhere.  It may seem inconceivable to most because like the sun rising, you have always had these things.  

Think about how society changed when technology changed and there was a tractor for instance to plow fields.  It put slavery out of business in some aspects, but created other debts to people who bought tractors and as a result of this new technology many people went broke and many laborers lost their slave work jobs.   There is a problem with technology being misused and the monopolizing of any small breakthrough --- we tend to be too content with new breakthrough because everyone competes for rank within a system of debt hierarchy so to speak.   Technology and money often conflict and it is still based on what money does --- old world money.  Don't accept any compromise with the old way.  No banker has the answer to poverty.  

Many believed Andrew Jackson could not pay off the debt or defeat the bankers.  For the 1st time and last time in history Jackson paid off the debts and even beat the bankers at their own game when they held all the resources.  It was ingenious but not impossible.  He was considered uneducated, but obviously he was not an uneducated man.  He was just not part of their educated cult, yet he could operate at their highest levels and even beat them.  Justifiably beat them because they were wrong.    

There is a game changer, I keep that to myself for now that is, but you can get an idea by reading my book. Like Andrew Jackson found a way --- there is a way.  However most are too thoroughly brainwashed by the system to understand the way out at this time and that is half the problem.  Most of society sufferers from Stockholm Syndrome. I'm speaking of the great collapse of this society --- all know is coming --- even the one's that deny it.  You know they have doubt.  The one's that claim the economy has recovered when the reality is the statistics are just being forged and they just take on more of the bait from the system.  

Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors.

I believe that most of society suffers from Stockholm Syndrome.  Worshiping of money and the people who control it and the resources.  They believe there is no other way.  Perhaps if you think about it enough --- a society where money is not the controlling factor.
The funny thing is we don't even have a free market but many believe that's what this is -- despite endless QE.. It is obviously the most fictional market in the history of Earth's conventional history --- the most fictitious long running scam in history.  Yet everyone is looking to these very people for answers.

Neal Vanderstelt --- Author of Global Economic Collapse: The New Dark Ages

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

GOLD: has 6,000 years of being a proven currency.

I'm talking about the physical stuff --- not contracts. If you think there is going to be a currency collapse you might want to own some. Paper currencies have a proven track record of failing. A dollar today is worth 4 cents since 1913, the year the Federal Reserve Bank of the US was created. In 1933, Americans were ordered to turn in their gold to the Federal Reserve Bank, effectively ensuring their debt slavery.

Gold Coins

Executive Order 6102 --- Gold banded by President Roosevelt in 1933, orders all citizens to turn their gold into the Federal Reserve Bank. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Young Turks Lies About The Unemployment Rate

See Video:

The difference between Muslim Groups, Sunni or Shia, Terrorist groups,The Syrian war

The Difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims:

The study of The Middle East Region can be a complicated one especially if you are not from there.  To clear things up there are 2 major types of Muslims, Sunni and Shia (Shiite) .  The Sunni's are the majority, comprising 80% to 90% and they are also the one's responsible for ISIS and Al Qaeda but the news will confuse this subject because Saudi Arabia is considered an ally, but it just so happens they are the major Sunni country where its original origin began.  The kingdom, which sometimes is called the "home of Islam", is the location of the cities of Mecca and Medina, where Muhammad, the messenger of the Islamic faith, lived and died.

Osama bin Ladin as you can see from Wikipedia and other sources was a Sunni and financed from Saudi Arabia according to Wikileaks.  See 3rd paragraph under Early life and education --- [source].

ISIS according to Wikipedia: "the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham, or simply Islamic State (IS), is a Wahhabi/Salafi jihadist extremist militant terrorist group and self-proclaimed Islamic state and caliphate, which is led by and mainly composed of Sunni Arabs from Iraq and Syria."

Shia Islam is the second-largest denomination of Islam: in 2009, Shia Muslims constituted 10-13% of the world's Muslim population, and between 68% and 80% of Shias lived in four countries: Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, and India. [source]

Shiite comes from the word shia, which means "the party (of Ali)."  The Sunnis murdered Ali who was appointed to be the successor to Mohammad by the Shia's.

The division began after the death of the Prophet Mohammed some 1,400 years ago, as a disagreement about who should succeed him. The Sunnis felt that Abu Bakr, a close friend of the prophet's, ought to be the next Muslim leader. But the Shiites claimed that Mohammed had anointed his son-in-law, Ali, as his rightful successor. [source]

Shiite vs Sunni
Yavuz Sultan Selim who delivered a devastating blow to the Shia Safavids and Ismail I in the Battle of Chaldiran, a battle of historical significance.
Americans are totally ignorant about the conflicts in the Middle East and most don't even know the differences between the rival Muslim denominations.  Americans tend to make decisions based on propaganda they hear on news networks like FoxNews or MSNBC. These networks have a bias and an agenda.  Americans typically don't read up on the details of events or do any constructive research other than short headline news that tends to draw on the emotions of some violent event which the news then tells you what to think based on emotional responses from the stuff you see without knowing the full details of the conflict or past history of.

Many Americans quickly supported the invasion of Iraq because they believed the news and had thought Iraq had "attacked us in 911" or "had weapons of mass destruction" but they did not do or have either yet Americans supported the attack based on those grounds.  A full invasion and occupation was supported, which cost many American lives, many times more Iraqis died, and there was severe financial losses do to the cost of war.  There was full destabilization of the Middle East especially in Muslim regions which were better off without American military intervention.   The majority of the terrorist on 911 were from Saudi Arabia.  According to a Huffinton post article, an estimated 1/2 million have been killed in the Iraq war since 2003 but you will hardly hear these statistics being reported by pro-war media.  Most killed were from Iraq which includes a high civilian death toll.

As it stands many American's are also dumbfounded about the origins of political friendship between the Saudis that have to do with oil rather than a true friendship and the shady agreement made during the Nixon administration to have oil traded in US dollars.  See Petrodollar 1973 agreement.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Record Low Home Owners, Rents Go Up, Bill Clinton's Housing Scam

This chart is not my chart but I understand it because I know the history.  Luckily the website allows hotlinking so I can share it.  The original article can be found at  The yellow line reflects Medium Asking Rent and the white line is US Homeownership Rate.  Not only is there a housing crisis --- we have rental crisis. 

This chart shows that homeownership rate since the economic collapse has went back to where it started when Bill Clinton loosed the requirement to get loans. People applying for a home mortgage where allowed to liberally put down what ever on their home applications and still qualify.  They called these modified requirements "liar loans" (buzzword) and it is one of the primary causes of the Housing Collapse.  That's not the only reason I'm showing this chart.   This chart shows that not only is there no recovery, there is a rental crisis, because now people who lost their homes cannot qualify for homes so they have to rent. 
What Clinton did "in the name of the poor and equality" made the poor more of a slave to the haves.. The haves and have nots were further seperated rather than the playing field being leveled as promised or any equality -- all that "equality" went to the bank.  Most of the poor that could not afford the loans went into further debt, many foreclosed or went bankrupt, and now have damaged credit as a final result.  It was irrational for the poor to buy things they could not afford and expect to keep it.    

In the money world they do things for a reason and that reason is never a gift.  So be careful what politicians like Bill Clinton offer as gifts for the poor --- not too much farther down the line you will end up with much less and you won't get to keep your gift as history has proved.   A life time investment is now just a pipe dream and further enslavement to rents.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Obama Supporters Boast Unemployment 5% while Real Unemployment Over 22%

What is more shocking that unemployment is over 22% or that Obama supporters are boasting he has improved the unemployment condition since in office?  There are a few critical factors that refute his claim to low unemployment.

In 1994, the way unemployment is calculated was change to eliminate discouraged, and other marginally-attached workers.  This effect wasn't fully realized until the 2008 crisis.  Which in my opinion is a full depression. Shadowstats (a website run by an economist), still calculates the unemployment the way  prior to the change (the correct way), and refers to it as "Alternative Unemployment".

As the chart shows, the unemployment is well over 22%.  Lets compare that to the great depression.

The above chart shows unemployment in the great depression.  As you can see it spiked temporarily above 20%.  This means that the unemployment now (under Obama) is worse than the great depression!  When you consider the amount of people on food stamps, it can hardly be considered an "economic recovery" or improvement in unemployment --- that is just an outright lie.  Remember the food lines of the great depression were a reminder of the hard times --- today, this is done on credit cards given through the SNAP program.

Food lines Great Depression before EBT Cards

Ruffly 15% of the population is on food stamps today but they are not standing on the streets - they have a credit card provided by the government.   For those that still insist unemployment is improving since 2008 under Obama --- lets take a look at the official labor participation rate statics which has not been altered like unemployment.

Labor Force Participation Rate:
The labor force participation rate since 2008 and throughout Obama's presidency has been on a steady trend downward.   This supports the alternative unemployment figures and contradicts the 5% unemployment numbers being reported. 

Aha! I caught them in another lie.  

Young Turks Lie About The Unemployment

Here's yet another chart that proves the economy isn't improving or that the unemployment is what they say it is --- because if unemployment were so low and economy so strong as they say and what the stock market indicates there would not be a divergence of rising food stamp users with declining unemployment.. Of course if you just accept the truth that the real unemployment is over 20% you don't have to ask questions but we have to look for transparency because they are feeding us bad data to cloak the depression we are in.

US DEBT estimated to be 222 Trillion not 18 trillion

According to some economist such as Larry Kotlikoff and now Ben Carson is coming out with a similar figure but he is not the originator of this concept. 

Larry Kotlikoff: Every dollar the government takes in or pays out can be labelled in economically arbitrary ways. For example, the government can call our social security contributions “taxes” or “official borrowing.” And it can call our social security benefits “transfer payments” or “return of principal or principal plus interest.” There is nothing in the math of economic theory that pins down the government’s word choice and each labelling convention will produce a different reported time path of debt, deficits, taxes, and spending. At their heart, these measures are linguistic and convey nothing about a country’s underlying fiscal policy – only about what the government decides to put on and keep off the books.

So, they are hiding the debt is by mislabeling the debt.   Ron Paul stated before Congress, the US dollar is worth only 4 cents today compared to a dollar in 1913.   That's not a very good track record for our Central Bank who is supposed to stabilize money but in reality they have enabled a system of perpetual debt.

As if things were not bad enough they are deferring our debt by selling it on the open market to foreign countries.   As it stands Japan, China, Belgium, Brazil, and Switzerland are major holder of US debt.  If any of them decides to dump it will cause a major devaluation of US assets and quite possibly a currency collapse.

Chart below is a reflection of debt that is reaching WW-II levels even using official data compared to GDP.  The situation is far worse than this chart reflects because this is only using the national debt-to-GDP and not the 222 trillion which is the real US debt.

They already have the replacement set up for us.  The BRICS is an alliance between China, Russia, India, China, and South Africa to offer an alternative to the US dollar as the World's Reserve Currency.  Since many of these countries also own US debt they can dump our assets to prop their own.   In 2014, this actually happened when Belgium ended up buying up US treasuries, in amounts worth more than the country itself.   The actual buyer is thought to have been EuroClear.

Alex Jones went to the San Antonio Federal Reserve Bank to stage a demonstration and in front of a large crowd the Federal Reserve Bank (who claims to be a government entity) told them to get off their "private property".  They repeated on camera that the building was on private property.  So there you have it ---- The FED is not only not Federal ---- it is private. link

Most people have no idea the true history of these financial entities or who really controls the debt.  If you do the research the US is foreign controlled nation with no control over its finances.  All this makes sense when you look at the overall state of the economy and the amount of outsourcing in the US.  The US is also highly regulated compared to foreign countries, who make products that would violate our environmental and labor laws.   So not only are we exporting labor and debt, we are also exporting the resource potential of the country.

If you were a true environmentalist you would not buy 1 product from China as they use the dirtiest coal to create their energy and many people wear mask in public.  In some cities it is so bad the old cannot walk out to the streets where the pollution is so harsh it might make them pass out.  This is what you are selling your children's future into because the US will have to become like China to keep up with the debt creation.  That means forced labor and unrestricted environmental laws.   People who are concerned about the environment and buy their products because they are cheap are phonies.  

Monday, October 26, 2015

Fox News Blasting Trump For 1 Million Dollar Loan - Owner of Fox Worth 12 Billion

Fox News attacking Trump for getting a loan from his father to do business.  The owner of Fox News at 22 inherited two newspapers from his father. Rupert got his start in the corporate world through inheritance and is worth 12.4 billion today.

"Donald J. Trump says he received a "small" $1 million loan from his father. Is this statement a turning point in his appeal to the middle class?"

Fox News goes on to say everything about Trump hurts his brand.  Blasting the fact that 1 million is  a lot of money.  Actually 1 million is not a lot of money to do big business.  Trump apparently got less charity than Rupert Murdoch (the owner of Fox News), by inheriting not 1 but 2 established newspapers.

Murdoch's father was Sir Keith Murdoch, who had been knighted for services to the crown and was a national hero in Australia. He was also one of the 20th century's most celebrated journalists: he was credited with revealing the truth about Britain's invasion of Gallipoli during World War I and with changing the British government's policy as a result, with troops being withdrawn from Turkey. Murdoch grew up in a spacious home near Melbourne and spent much of his time on a sheep ranch owned by his family.

Through scandal, a brush with bankruptcy and innumerable controversies, Murdoch has emerged ever stronger and usually richer. Murdoch’s dominion, born of a single inherited Australian newspaper, is now two globe-spanning corporations — News Corp. and 21st Century Fox — with $67 billion in assets and enormous influence on three continents.

Will we ever get an honest story out of the media or is this just another way of propping up Trump by giving bad publicity?

Neal Vanderstelt
Author of Global Economic Collapse and The New Dark Ages

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Democrats vs Republicans --- Why I can't stand either

Why I don't like either party. Republicans give tax breaks to corporations and that is corporate welfare but they claim to be against socialism. The Republicans don't want you to know what is in your food and they vote against GMO labeling among other things. The Republicans give too much support to military and it creates too much military debt and they are too willing to go to wars which also create huge debts. Wars are one of the most destructive things to an economy because a bomb blowing up has no net effect to an economy and can only be considered a debt. Their claim is it makes us "safe" but if they would have used the money for say the Iraq war for alternative energy the US would be energy independent by now and we would not have to buy oil from countries that create terrorist -- they don't look that far out but they do it intentionally because the big players in the Republican party are oil men. 

They have a lot of flaws----both parties are immature and for big business. The Republican Party is the lobby for big oil tycoons and the Democratic Party is the lobby for the medical mafia and big pharma.. Some of the hugest debts to society are caused by the medical mafia but we will also never have an alternative to big oil because of Republican party so both parties do a lot of damage. Energy and health are major faucets of society that people rely on and they are doing great damage in the name of profit and expanding these industries in a harmful way. Drugs for instance don't cure diseases and alternatives are illegal.. More care doesn't do any good if the quality is so poor you are better off treating yourself in many cases.

The Democrats are responsible for deregulating the banks and causing the 2008 financial crisis which was blamed on the Republicans ironically but it was actually because of the changes the Democrats made, although I agree trickle down economics are a joke, but the Dems are hardly for a healthy economy. In the 1990's Bill Clinton deregulated the big banks by repealing the Glass Steagall Act (the repeal was strongly supported by Republicans as well---who may have drafted the repeal in the first place but Bill Clinton finalized it). This made it so a regular bank could gamble with your deposits at 10-1 leverage for every dollar you deposit.. Bill Clinton also made it easy to get home loans setting up the stage for the housing crisis. It did not help poor people because they had to give up their homes.

Bill Clinton didn't stop there though he wasn't done doing damage to the economy --- he made it so the way economic statistics are calculated so people who give up looking for work are not accounted for. Currently they say unemployment is improving but the fact of the matter is if Bill Clinton didn't change how unemployment was calculated it would be over 20% which is worse than The Great Depression. Now you know why I hate both parties..
Neal Vanderstelt
Author of Global Economic Collapse and The New Dark Ages

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Obama blocks black 13yr old Adversary on Twitter

lol of course.. of course he blocked him especially a black adversary.. unemployment is soaring not just for everyone but especially black people who have double the unemployment. As stated in my book and blog real---unemployment is over 20% (confirmed by and black unemployment is somewhere near 50%. also the underemployment is a problem and the youth unemployment is another problem.  It is a catastrophe and they are claiming we are in a recovery.. If we were in a recovery the fed would have raised the rates.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Europe Has No Solution For Refugee Crisis

EU measures fall short for a solution to crisis:
*EU leaders agree on relocation of 120k refugees.
*It sounds like a lot---but there 500k that have already crossed and
800k are expected.
*10k's are arriving everyday and have been coming fro many months.
*Refugees amplify the financial crisis.

refugees europe

The problem with these refugees is they come from a overpopulated 3rd world country with 3rd world beliefs. Then they go to other countries and try to make it like where they left.. They can't feed their people (so they say) and expect "wealthy" countries to feed them. I have no guilt sending them back. I would not feed them an ounce of food.  These people will just break the back of your country and they are blaming all non-Muslim countries for their problems.  The fact of the matter is their leaders are very wealthy and have used the same belief system to keep them in check for 100's of years.  See the video below to see who the richest royals are-------hint most of them are Muslim leaders.  

Monday, September 21, 2015

Real Estate Crisis in the US---Rental Crisis

Article reference September 2015: The Rent Crisis Is About to Get a Lot Worse

Rent-affordability is becoming more difficult for many Americans.

"The number of U.S. households that spend at least half their income on rent—the "severely cost-burdened," in the lingo of housing experts—could increase 25 percent to 14.8 million over the next decade."

*population of the US 318.9 million

Article reference June 2015: 11 cities where minimum-wage workers are getting crushed by rent

Many people can not live comfortably because of increased rent while having decreased wages.

"According to the real-estate firm Zillow, renters on average should be spending about 30% of their wages on the cost of their residence to have enough money left over for other expenses. By this standard, San Franciscans would need to be effectively earning $65 an hour to live comfortably."

home ownership


The charts are pretty much self explanatory.  As home ownership goes down the rents go up because of supply and demand.

The problem being that many cannot afford it because the US economy is in the gutter.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

World War II Causalities - The Dark Side of Humanity

World War 2 In Numbers
*Over 60 million people were killed.
*estimates---50 million to more than 80 million. The higher figure of over 80 million includes deaths from war-related disease and famine.
*8.23% of the German population was killed.
*17% of Poland were killed.
*14.24 of The Soviet Union were killed.
*Total military dead: from 21 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war.

WW-II Causalities
 U.S. invasion in November 1943
World War I was so harsh all participants agreed ---- never again!  See you in WW-III.